Institute „Ciuffelli-Einaudi“
Address: Viale Montecristo, 3, Todi, Umbria, PG 06059, ITALY
Telephone: +39 075 8959511
Website: isistodi.edu.it
Students: 850
Staff: 140
The Institute „Ciuffelli-Einaudi“, was created in 2009 by the union of three school buildings of Todi: the Agricultural Technical Institute „A.Ciuffelli“, the VET School for the Industry and Handicrafts and the VET School for Accountants and Surveyors „Einaudi“.
The school offers six different curricula: Agriculture (that is the most ancient course of study on this topic in Italy, founded in 1864); Tourism; Administration, Finance and Marketing; Environment and Buildings; Fashion and Electronics. The school is organized in three different sites and is located in historical buildings; it has modern and efficient classrooms and laboratories, green areas, a canteen and two dormitories for male and female students.
IIS “Ciuffelli-Einaudi” is also endowed with a farm with green houses and a botanical garden, a teaching farm for activities in sustainable education and a cellar, used as laboratory for wine production.
The school is also partner of the Foundation for Technical Higher Education in Technologies for the Made in Italy – Umbria.
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Номер на споразумението: Nr 608964-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA3-VET-NETPAR