Technical High School „Della Porta – Porzio“
Address: Via Foria, 65 Naples, Campania, 80137
Telephone: +39 081 455664
Website: www.itgdellaporta-porzio.edu.it
Students: 493
Staff: 80
The School was founded immediately after Italian unification and was the first (and for a very long time the only) Technical Institute for Surveyors of Naples.
The Schools has recently upgraded its historical topographic equipment with a satellite tracking system (GPS).
Different laboratories (material testing; Computer-aided design CAD and linguistic laboratories) have recently been set up.
The Institute has always welcomed a very large school audience, which includes the historic centre of the city, all its suburbs and the surrounding municipalities
Как по-ефективно да ангажираме вниманието на учещите в онлайн среда? И какви кратки упражнения и креативни дейности могат да използват преподавателите? За да помогнем
The ENNE Project Accreditation for KA1 Mobility is still going on and Italian teachers and students went abroad. In May and June, thanks to ENNE,
3 day of full work for partners involved in K TOUR – A Key for sustainable and accessible tourism – the latest meeting was held
The MAKER SCHOOLS project (Enhancing Student Creativity and STEM Engagement by Integrating 3D Design and Programming into Secondary School Learning) is a recent initiative to
Този проект е финансиран с подкрепата на европейската
Комисията. Този уебсайт отразява вижданията само на авторите,
и Комисията не носи отговорност за начина, по който би могла да бъде използвана съдържащата се в него информация.
Номер на споразумението: Nr 608964-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA3-VET-NETPAR