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Inclusion through Mobility

All over Europe there is a need for innovative ways to include young people in difficulty into education and training. Internships abroad offer great opportunities for learners as they have a positive effect on learning performance and motivation, support the further development of personality and significantly improve the chances on the labour market.

The Erasmus+ project InMobVET therefore developed the following resources to facilitate the inclusion through mobility:


  • A GUIDE FOR EDUCATORS includes information about the role of educators and parents, about motivational strategies, intercultural learning and of course international mobility.
  • A TRAINING MODULE ON INTERCULTURALITY aims to facilitate the inclusion of young people in the school community and to prepare young people with social and academic difficulties for the immersion in a foreign company during a mobility. It involves activities on cultural awareness, intercultural communication, adaptability, openness, self-efficacy and respect for others.


On our website ( you can find both resources as open educational resources.

Dutch news

Hoe VET onderwijs industie helpt en omgekeerd

Het PTI van Kortrijk startte een samenwerking met Pertersime (grootste producent wereldwijd van broedmachines) voor de bouw van een heuse kippenstal als testlabo in de school.

VET leerlingen en leerkrachten kweken om de 6 weken 500 kippen op van 50g tot +/- 3kg onder verschillende doch geijkte omstandigheden. Ze voederen en doen de 2 wekelijkse weging van de dieren. De data die hier gegenereerd wordt is de basis voor studies mbt voederconversies