ENNE Project, COVID-19: what are we living right now?


ENNE Project goes on during this moment where most of us are concerned due to Covid-19. Although everything is changing, this situation can offer new opportunities to improve our collaboration, knowledge and connections. 

The ENNE Project had to modify something to comply with current regulations that require to stay at home and go out only if strictly necessary. It’s clear that each country in Europe has implemented different measures to contain the spread of Covid-19, based on the situation they are living right now.
As you know, some countries, more than others, are experiencing tragic moments and, under the current conditions, no one knows when the situation will improve.

All we can do is to benefit from all the free digital tools offered by many platforms or from the applications that are available and useful for us. 

Institutes have organized themselves during these weeks to continue the school year. Students, directly from home, get connected to stay in touch with their teachers, using the online platforms dedicated to school education and training

Each of us is doing a great effort, some of us work in smart mode, while for other companies it was not possible and therefore they are actually closed

Everyone is discovering a new way of organizing their day, but together we can overcome this dramatic moment.

Stay at home and learn online!