
ENNE is a European Project that supports the establishment of 5 national networks of VET – Vocational Education and Training – providers in five different countries (Italy, Bulgaria, Germany, Portugal and Belgium). 
This project will promote the enhancement of VET quality and attractiveness, with a specific focus on mobility opportunities.

What ENNE promotes:

  • Enhancing communication and cooperation among VET providers, disseminating EU programmesinitiatives and tools;
  • sharing best practices among VET providers;
  • building the effective implementation of European programmes, promoting VET learners and staff mobility;
  • encouraging the involvement of VET providers and countries poorly represented in EU cooperation projects.

ENNE Project will

  • establish 5 VET Excellence National Networks for mobility;
  • develop a VET providers online community;
  • improve VET staff knowledge competences and skills in the field of WBL and mobility;
  • develop an internationalization strategy for the VET providers involved.

The expected overall impact is not only to build up national networks whose members will benefit from projects activities and products, but also to set up a new sustainable cooperation among VET schools from different countries in order to create long-term synergies to enhance VET attractiveness.

Capacity Building Activities

ENNE partners will organize:

  • From 16th November 2020 to 18th December 2020
    MOOC on “How to plan and organize a project for the transnational mobility of VET students”;
  • January/April 2021
    Blended Course on Erasmus+ KA1 and KA2 Project Proposals writing;
  • June/September 2021
    International and local workshops on the EAQOM 
    Standards for hosting and intermediary organizations;
  • September 2021/February 2022
    Transnational Mobilities opportunities for VET Staff and Students;

Moreover, for the whole duration of the project, 
we will:

  • Organize local and international events for the promotion of the EU VET Skills Week and other relevant EU and local initiatives;
  • Publish a monthly newsletter with a lot of news and good practices from the members of our networks
latest news

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The Maker Schools project

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