Vocational High School of Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering, Galabovo
Address: Industrial Quarters, town of Galabovo, 6280, Stara Zagora Region
Telephone: +359 418 623 86
Website: www.pgee-galabovo.info
Main working field(s) of the Job-shadowing activity
The main activities carried out by VSEEEG in the context of the Project activities are related to the creation of preconditions for reducing the discrepancy between knowledge and experience acquired in vocational high schools and the demand on the labor market in the field of electrical engineering and energy. Students gaining a professional qualification in the field of electrical engineering and energy must get acquainted with European practices, implementation and further development of theoretical knowledge acquired in vocational school education.
Good practice or activities to share
A Challenge for Green Energy – to share some results of our work and vocational training in energy efficiency and renewable energy. Lesson demonstration in the LAB of electrical engineering.
Expectations for future collaborations
We expect for the future to take a part in the KA1 exchange of Students and staff and also in KA2 projects.
Expectations regarding the profile of staff to host
The staff members will be better to be from sector Education and their interests will be good to close to ours.
Overall program for the job-shadowing opportunity
First day – meetings with colleagues and school staff, Second day – meeting with students and take a part in some lessons to know which methods we use, the Third day – discussing groups with both teachers and students, 4th day – take a part in the discussion topic,, Digital lesson – good or bad? » and participate in English lesson by Kahoot!. 5th day – Landmarks near Galabovo, Bulgarian traditions and cuisine.
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