School goes on – European exchange too?

german news

With the start of the new school year, exchange projects and mobilities were supposed to be prepared and implemented in many institutions. What is possible and what is not? What are the general conditions? The Pedagogical Exchange Service (PAD) in Germany provides an overview and help on their website.

The impairments for European exchange programs caused by the corona virus and the associated travel and contact restrictions accompany us into the new school and training year. On the website of the Pedagogical Exchange Service (PAD) of the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs [website] you will find a lot of information – both on formal aspects such as Erasmus+ contract changes and cancellations, on current entry requirements and the regulations or recommendations of the individual German states, as well as on alternative approaches and possibilities to stay in contact and exchange with European partners despite the situation. At the same time, a large number of online seminars have been compiled on precisely these topics: from accreditation for the new Erasmus+ program to TwinSpace training courses and the creative design of video conferences.