Use music for getting more skilled in management, business and entrepreneurship!


On 30.09.2020 European Center for Quality Ltd organizes a rock concert as the final multiplier event for the project THE SOUND OF BUSINESS in Bulgaria!

Learn from the big icons of rock music on how to be a successful entrepreneur!

In addition to that, The Sound of Business project partners are happy to share with you the Learning Documentary that has just been published and is presenting an innovative learning method that connects the history of rock music with Project Cycle Management and business.

 By watching the Learning Documentary, you will be able to gain a deeper understanding of the applied methodology, enabling the application of the different phases of the Project Cycle Management for developing your own business idea and for improving your entrepreneurial skills. You will also have the opportunity to learn from the best practices of the biggest rock icons. Already curious? Have a look at the video and enjoy!

SOB Poster


THE SOUND OF BUSINESS Project – “Leveraging the Entrepreneurial Competences of Adults to Extenuate the Business Knowledge Divide” is developed within the Erasmus+ Programme, KA2: Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education.

Project duration: 01.10.2018 – 30.09.2020


  • To provide trainers with practical tools leading to an innovate method of training related to basic and transversal skills, innovative managerial competencies and entrepreneurial spirit
  • To use and promote a non-formal approach based on art and music
  • To stimulate self-employment initiatives among adults, according to identified unemployed people’s needs and backgrounds
  • To promote/renovate managerial skills of the adults and foster the awareness of the importance of innovation and lifelong learning
  • To recognize and validate non-formal learning at European level


  • Trainers for adults
  • Adult learners (age 25- 60):
  • Unemployed or employed with the need of a requalification of competencies (mainly basic/transversal skills and entrepreneurship)
  • Entrepreneurs (incl. potential entrepreneurs) looking for innovative management skills and a creative approach to improve their performances.


  • Training Tools
  • Learning Platform
  • Learning Documentary
  • Protocol for certification of competencies