Blended Course: 4 projects have been approved


The ENNE Consortium is proud to announce that four projects “Small Scale 210” have been approved.

From the 18th to the 22nd of October 2021, 26 participants from Italy, Belgium, Bulgaria,
Germany and Portugal gathered together to further learn about project proposals writing and to strengthen the projects they have been working on in groups during
last summer.

Representatives from all 7 groups met in Foligno (Italy) to complete their training and finalise their project proposals. 

The groups submitted 5 projects and 4 have been approved. The following ones:

  1. K-TOUR – A Key for Sustainable and Accessible Tourism is an Erasmus+ project that was born from the idea of the Istituto Tecnico Economico e per il Turismo “F. Scarpellini”
    (Italy) in collaboration with the European partners of the ENNE Consortium such as: EPROMAT – Escola Profissional de Matosinhos (Portugal), Vocational High School of Economics and Tourism “Aleko Konstantinov”
    (Bulgaria), Escola Profissional do C.J. de Campanhã (Portugal) and EGIna SRL (Italy);
  2. VET CREATIVITY – Erasmusplus project is an Erasmus+ project that was born from the
    idea of the Belgian High School GO! Next Level X, in collaboration with the European partners of the ENNE Consortium such as: Escola Das Virudes – Cooperativa de Ensino Polivalente e Artistico CRL, Istituto di Istruzione Tecnico-Professionale „Spagna-Campani“, Spoleto (IT);
  3. PAST IN FUTURE BRIDGE is an Erasmus+ project that was born from the idea of the Bulgarian Coordinator Natsionalna Finansovo-Stopanska Gimnaziya, with the support
    of: Vocational High-School in Energy and Electrical Engineering, High School „G. Turrisi Colonna“ and Crhacklab Foligno 4D;
  4. WWVET – We’ll work VET is an Erasmus+ project that was born from the idea of the Portuguese Coordinator ES Francisco De Holanda, with the support of: Escola Secundária de Felgueiras, BSZ Konrad Zuse Hoyerswerda, Berufliches Schulzentrum für Technik III Chemnitz, FZG Fortbildungszentrum Gastgewerbe GmbH.

The fifth project submitted hasn’t been approved but it also obtained a good rating.
OUR FUTURE IN THE DISH is an Erasmus+ project that was born from the idea of the Italian Coordinator, the High School „Rocco Chinnici“, with the support of: Comprehensive Institute „Pestalozzi“ and Italienische Handelskammer für Deutschland.