Green Communication


Photo took before Covid-19 pandemic

Sustainability, a form of competitive advantage for companies in the Web 2.0 era

The fifth grade classes of the curricula SIA (Business Information Systems) and RIM (International Marketing Relations) of the ITE F.Scarpellini had the opportunity to meet LUCA GAROSI, journalist, trainer and Professor. He is currently editor-in-chief at Rainews and Professor of “Strategies of networked communication” in the degree course of Public and Digital Communication at Perugia University. He is author of the blog and the book “Green Branding”.

During the 8-hour activities with Mr. Garosi, learners focused on the impact of environmental and social sustainability on the corporate reputation and the brand, becoming a competitive leverage that leads to “distinctiveness”.
Students also investigated into the sustainable conversion process. For a company such a process takes time. “Being” or “becoming” sustainable involves significant costs greater than the opposite approach (unsustainability).

Students focused on the power of communication and the assumption that it turns into engagement, only when the relationship between the organization and its stakeholders is based on trust. A good communicator has to translate complex aspects into short, and effective information, simplifying communication.
Students also took part in a workshop where they had the opportunity to build an online communication plan through the use of social media, the company’s website and the data of the internet.