Job-Shadowing for VET Staff: Italian Teachers in Bulgaria and Portugal

We are very glad to collect the first Job Shadowing experiences from Italian teachers that took part in the mobilities in Bulgaria and in Portugal.

Mara – a teacher at the ITE “Scarpellini”, located in Foligno – went to the “National high school in finance and business”, based in Sofia for one job-shadowing experience week. She took part in economics lessons with a focus on the ONU Agenda 2030, she had the opportunity to collect such information from the Bulgarian school system. She participated in many classrooms to have a general overview of the schools and the different studies and laboratories implemented, such as enterprises simulation, how to use tools to monitor school performance, student group works and discussion about the school inclusion for students with special needs. Furthermore, she attended a Bulgarian concert with traditional music.

Michelangelo – a teacher at the High School “Beato Simone Fidati”, based in Cascia – went to the  “Vocational High School of Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering, Galabovo” located in the Stara Zagora region. He participated in electronics lessons and workshops, and with an interesting and professional exchange among teachers, he had the opportunity to enjoy the Bulgarian culture by visiting museums.

Nicola – a teacher at the “Technical Technological Institute Leonardo Da Vinci”, based in Foligno – went to the “EPROMAT – Vocational School of Matosinhos” located in Matosinhos. He participated in programming language lessons, with the use of HTML, CSS, realizing websites and Virtual Reality activities, with many activities implemented.

All the job shadowing opportunities realized gave a great successful experience for the teachers involved, and we are ready to start going on with the future ones.