Vocational college BSZ „Konrad Zuse“

Vocational college BSZ „Konrad Zuse“

Address: Käthe-Kollwitz-Straße 5, Hoyerswerda, Saxony, 02977

Telephone: +49 03571 48710

Website: www.bsz-konrad-zuse.de

Students: 850


  • Business services
  • Healthcare
  • Social care
  • Education

The BSZ „Konrad Zuse“ is a vocational college, offering professional training in social, economic and technical careers as well as the A levels with a focus on economics or social sciences.

Students are qualified as childcare workers, social assistants, nurses, care assistants, shop assistants, logisticians, industrial clerks and housekeepers.

They can also attend the preparatory classes in the fields of nutrition/housekeeping/services, logistics, economics, health and wood engineering.

The school is located in the Lausitz (Saxony, East Germany). This region currently undergoes a transformation from a coal mining zone to an artificial lake district. Moreover, it is the home of the Sorabian minority group with its own language and culture.


  • Interreg PL-SN
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