Dutch news

Laatstejaars van GO! Scholengroep Dynamiek trekken op buitenlandse stage!

De VET-leerlingen van het GO! atheneum van Maldegem, Eeklo en Zelzate gingen twee weken op Erasmusstage naar Frankrijk, Italië, Duitsland of Portugal. De leerlingen werden warm onthaald in de verbroederingsgemeenten van Zelzate.

Hierbij ondergingen de leerlingen een onderdompeling in het buitenlandse werkveld. De leerlingen werkten hard aan hun vakgebonden- en taalskills en dit allemaal dankzij het Erasmus+ programma van de Europese Unie.

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Multiplier Event in Italy

On April 8, 2022, EGInA organised the ENNE Project Multiplier Event in Foligno with the participation of national schools from all over Italy.

Altheo Valentini, the coordinator and General Manager at EGInA, presented the benefits of the project and opportunities in the field of Vocational Education and Training in Europe.

4 schools from the ENNE Network attended the event:

About 100 students participated in the laboratories and working groups. All activities were planned for schools to create new connections and promote the project.

Dutch news Geen onderdeel van een categorie

LOGIPRO – Integratie van logistieke processen in het virtueel bedrijf

Connectief mocht in 2022 met het project COFEP het KA2 project LOGIPRO lanceren.  Het heeft tot doel een werkgebaseerd programma te ontwikkelen dat Europese studenten in beroepsonderwijs en -opleiding voorbereidt op een geavanceerde logistieke opleiding in het hoger onderwijs of op een job binnen de logistieke sector.

Met de methodologie van het virtueel bedrijf in logistieke onderwijsprogramma’s wil dit project de instroom in hoger onderwijs en de arbeidsmarkt verhogen.


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PGEE Galabovo hosted a job shadowing guest – lecturer from Italy within ENNE project – European National Networks for the Enhancement of VET

Michelangelo Capodimonio from Foligno, Italy was a guest lecturer at PGEE, Galabovo in the period from 21.03.2022 to 25.03.2022. His visit was part of the activities of  ENNE – European National Networks for the Enhancement of VET project, No. 608964-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA3-VET-NETPAR for welcoming mobility of “Job shadowing” for teachers within the international network ENNE. The Italian colleague is an engineer with a degree in “Electronics” with three years of teaching experience and at IPSIA ,,Beato Simone Fidati”- city of. He has also been trained at the University of Cascia (Cascia).

ENNE is an Erasmus+ project which aims to enhance the quality and attractiveness of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in five partner countries (Italy, Bulgaria, Germany, Portugal and Belgium) with a specific focus on mobility opportunities.

The last phase of the ENNE project is being implemented, which is mainly focused on organising transnational mobility activities for both VET staff and students and has the following objectives:

– improving cooperation between VET providers at national and European level;

– sharing good practices;

– promoting mutual learning methodologies among VET staff;

– promoting the acquisition of soft skills for VET learners;

Observation as a method of working represents a very effective method of achieving these objectives as it provides an opportunity to visit another (host) and observe the work for an agreed period of time.

ENNE job shadowing is based on good practice identified within national networks and these aim to:

 – enable teachers to observe and learn best practices developed in other EU countries;

– inspire new ideas for teaching in VET;

– enable the hosting organisation to interact with a teacher coming from another country and discuss today’s educational challenges and opportunities;

– create/strengthen relationships between teachers and potential partners to provide expertise and resources for their classrooms and schools.

Dutch news


Het projectteam reviseerde en ontwikkelde een reeks instrumenten (bv. schema’s, protocollen, …) over het omgaan met diversiteit op basis van een gemeenschappelijk referentiekader.

Elke partner ontwikkelde activiteiten in lokale scholen rond dit thema. Het projectteam ontwierp internationale opleidingen. Op basis van alle ervaringen bieden wij een blauwdruk en een stappenplan die voor gebruik door de gebruiker in de juiste context moeten worden geplaatst/aangepast.

Scholen: Catholic Education Flanders

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#ITKAM4EUROPE: “digit” project recruitment of testers for toolkit#1

Since January 1, 2022, ITKAM – Italian Chamber of Commerce for Germany is the coordinator of the DIGIT project (DIGItal Transformation of Internationalization process), funded by the German National Erasmus+ Agency NABIBB.

DIGIT has emerged as a response to the COVID -19 pandemic situation, which has required SMEs in the agrifood sector in particular to rapidly strengthen digital skills in the sales and marketing process. These companies have had to adapt to digital marketing strategies and develop and implement new online or hybrid events within a few weeks.

DIGIT aims to develop three OERs training materials (Open Electronic Resources) for internationalization experts (e.g. employees of Chambers of Commerce and Industry and Chambers of Commerce Abroad) and for internationalization trainers (e.g. teachers at vocational schools for foreign trade or trainers at Chambers of Commerce and Industry).



The first of the three OERs training materials is Toolkit #1. This toolkit will provide a guide for experts and educators in the internationalization field and will address content including:

  • Use of online research tools for target markets.
  • Use of social media for sales and internationalization campaigns
  • Use of B2B platforms
  • Data protection compliance (GDPR)



ITKAM is looking for testers with the following profiles for Toolkit#1:

  • Export managers in medium-sized companies in the agricultural sector.
  • Experts for international trade
  • Vocational school teachers and trainers in the field of foreign trade

Internationalisation experts will implement the Toolkit#1 at SMEs they serve as clients. Teachers will deliver the Toolkit#1 content to their learners. Selected testers can benefit from all three OERs training materials in advance and free of charge.

Toolkit#1 is an online course with approximately 10 hours of learning time. Testing will take place in September/October 2022. The available places for testing from Toolkit#1 are:

35 trainers/educators as well as teachers in vocational education and training.
35 places for export managers/event planners and trade experts

Apply as a tester for Toolkit #1 until June 30, 2022 at this link:

Ms. Raffaella Saviori (; +49 (0) 69 971452 42)
Ms. Sonia Barani (; +49 (0) 341 98972513)