Digital Tools For Teaching
How to engage learners’ attention more effectively in an online environment? And what short exercises and creative activities can educators use? To help teachers and
ENNE é um projeto europeu que apoia a criação de 5 redes nacionais de prestadores de VET – Ensino e Formação Profissional – nos 5 países envolvidos: Itália, Bulgária, Alemanha, Portugal e Bélgica.
Este projeto irá promover a melhoria da qualidade e atratividade do EFP, com um enfoque específico nas oportunidades de mobilidades.
The ENNE project consortium within the timeframe 01.09.2022 – 30.09.2022 all across Europe, collected valuable feedback regarding the benefits and challenges of internationalisation and mobility in VET from representatives of European VET providers (public/private VET schools/ centers/ institutes and other stakeholders). The survey was available in the following languages:
How to engage learners’ attention more effectively in an online environment? And what short exercises and creative activities can educators use? To help teachers and
The ENNE Project Accreditation for KA1 Mobility is still going on and Italian teachers and students went abroad. In May and June, thanks to ENNE,
3 day of full work for partners involved in K TOUR – A Key for sustainable and accessible tourism – the latest meeting was held
The MAKER SCHOOLS project (Enhancing Student Creativity and STEM Engagement by Integrating 3D Design and Programming into Secondary School Learning) is a recent initiative to
Este projeto é financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. Este website reflete apenas o ponto de vista dos autores e a Comissão não pode ser responsabilidade por qualquer uso que possa ser feito da informação nele contida.
Número de acordo: 608964-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA3-VET-NETPAR