Agrupamento de Escolas Francisco de Holanda
Address: Alameda Dr. Alfredo Pimenta, Guimarães, 4814-528
Telephone: +351 253 540 130
Website: www.aefh.pt
Main working field(s) of the Job-shadowing activity
Vocational Education and Training mainly in the following technical areas: Electronics Informatics and ICT Mechanics and inclusive and cross-curricular teaching and projects: Inclusive education Curricular articulation using technologies (robotics, electronics, programming) 21st-century literacies Citizenship and gender equality Work-Based Learning (WBL) Cooperation between stakeholders in the field of VET VET and VET social image (informal discussions and opinions between teachers).
Good practice or activities to share
We mainly propose these set of good practices/activities:
– Discussing teachings methods in electronics, mechanics and ICTs especially involving international projects and international cooperation activities;
– Case studies on citizenship; sexual education and gender equality integrating projects in VET offer;
– Inclusive education in VET offer;
– Planning curricular articulation projects/activities using technologies, namely programming and robotics in order to promote 21st-century literacies;
– Visit companies and other stakeholders;
– Discuss WBL with teachers, students and companies;
– Tourist tours in Guimarães, Felgueiras (in articulation with Felgueiras Secondary School, an ENNE partner) and Oporto;
– Cultural activities, namely Historical Tours in Guimarães, The Portuguese Cradle City and UNESCO World Heritage Town; and visits to museums, art collections and important libraries belonging to artistic and cultural societies of the city Guimarães.
Expectations for future collaborations
Francisco de Holanda Secondary Schools (ESFH) intends to invest in international cooperation projects in the area of VET either based on the mobility of VET students (particularly in areas linked to technologies, such as electronics, computing and mechanics, but also in areas such as design and marketing); either based on the exchange of good practices between teachers; or in knowledge production in the field of VET, namely KA2 projects. The school and the School Cluster Francisco de Holanda is also interested in projects like eTwinning cooperation projects or DigiPals or other online activities. It is also available to receive students from European partners in KA1 mobility, at our school or involve our partners from companies.
Expectations regarding the profile of staff to host
The activities were designed mainly to be aimed at teachers of electronics, mechatronics, informatics and correlated areas, such as robotics and programming. However, an important set of activities may be interesting for any teacher in the field of VET that is involved or interested in knowledge sharing and production in the areas of citizenship, gender equality, relationship with business partners and the use of technologies in education. The concrete proposal may be adjusted to the expectations of the partner interested in carrying out with us this Job Shadowing adventure.
Overall program for the job-shadowing opportunity
Day 1 Visit the Francisco de Holanda Secondary School
– general view of the school;
– visit in detail and analyse the dedicated facilities of Electronics and Informatics;
– analyse the specific equipment, materials, components, pedagogical and technical materials of the dedicated facilities of Electronics and Informatics;
– a guided visit to the ESFH School Museum, with the collaboration of the curators. Special attention will be given to the legacy of the technological legacy of the museum collection. Small talk/discussion about the school history and its role in the economy and in the society of Guimarães at the end of the XIXth century and during the XXth century.
– Meeting with teachers at the welcoming lunch (with traditional Portuguese food). Visit Guimarães Historical Centre, UNESCO World Heritage
– general view of the city;
– guided tour to Paço dos Duques de Bragança (Medieval Palace, Museum of history and art and Official Residence of the Portuguese President) and its amazing art collection (textiles, ceramics, paintings, furniture, sculptures and weapons, mainly from XVIIth and XVIIth centuries);
– guided tour to Guimarães Castle
– the mythic medieval castle where Portugal was born.
Day 2 Lesson observation in Francisco de Holanda Secondary School
– resources involved ate the lessons;
– equipment and technologies;
– digital literacies;
– talking with VET students. Visit another school of the Francisco de Holanda Vertical School Cluster (primary school with children from 3 to 10 years)
– meeting with teachers from primary school about the articulation projects based in Programming and Robotics; – debating XXIst Century literacies and the impact of the articulation projects;
– lesson observation;
– talking to students about the ENNE project and the history and culture of other European countries. Visit Guimarães Historical Centre, UNESCO World Heritage:
– guided tour of Martins Sarmento Museum and its art collection (paintings and sculpture) and its library.
– walk in Guimarães historical centre with colleagues from ESFH, Felgueiras Secondary School and other colleagues from ENNE Portuguese network. Debate at Associação Artística Vimaramense (Artistic Association of Guimarães, the oldest civic association of the city) open to the public society: “Educate to Citizenship in VET”
– case study presentation by Sandra Machado and Francisco Teixeira (ESFH) on Sexual Education from Francisco de Holanda Secondary School;
– debate with moderation about education to citizenship.
Day 3 Lesson observation in Francisco de Holanda Secondary School (ESFH)
– resources involved ate the lessons;
– equipments and technologies;
– digital literacies;
– talking with VET students about the ENNE project and the importance of the improvement of VET social image. Mindfulness session with ESFH teachers Visit Felgueiras:
– tour and cultural activities in Felgueiras Romanic Route;
– meeting with teachers from Felgueiras Secondary School.
Day 4 Cultural and touristic visit to Oporto, UNESCO World Heritage
– general view of the city;
– cultural orientation and recognition test in the historical centre of the city. Day 5 Observation of a field lesson in a partner company with a VET class. (to be confirmed with the company partner) Focus group with students, teachers and company representatives about Work-Based Learning in VET and Mobility in Work-Based Learning (in collaboration with Felgueiras Secondary School).
Day 5 Observation of a field lesson in a partner company with a VET class. Focus group with students, teachers and company representatives about Work-Based Learning in VET and Mobility in Work-Based Learning (in collaboration with Felgueiras Secondary School).
This proposal is not strictly closed; on the contrary, it can be negotiated according to the expectations of our partners or the needs of the ENNE Project. For now, we propose the week from 28 February to 4 March 2022.
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EGInA Srl – European Grants International Academy
Address: Via delle Industrie, 9, 06034 Foligno PG
Telephone: +39 0742 21233
Website: https://egina.eu/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eginasrl/
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How to engage learners’ attention more effectively in an online environment? And what short exercises and creative activities can educators use? To help teachers and
The ENNE Project Accreditation for KA1 Mobility is still going on and Italian teachers and students went abroad. In May and June, thanks to ENNE,
3 day of full work for partners involved in K TOUR – A Key for sustainable and accessible tourism – the latest meeting was held
The MAKER SCHOOLS project (Enhancing Student Creativity and STEM Engagement by Integrating 3D Design and Programming into Secondary School Learning) is a recent initiative to
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein
Agreement number: Nr 608964-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA3-VET-NETPAR