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Sustainable Development Goals

ENNE Project coordinated an international online conference on November the 9th named VET4FUTURE.

The conference introduced to the future of vocational education thanks to Mr. Luca Pirozzi Policy Officer for VET at EAECA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission)

The ZOOM event organized into 5 breakout rooms each of these dedicated to a specific thematic:

  • Recognition/validation of competences in WBL (Work Based Learning – national traineeships/transnational mobility/etc.)
  • Social Inclusion in VET (Disabilities, migrants, economic disadvantages, etc.)
  • Digital transformation / Distance Learning
  • Sustainability and contribution of VET to the achievement of UN Agenda 2030 SDGs
  • Capacity building of VET Staff

In the ZOOM breakout room dedicated to “Sustainability and contribution of VET to the achievement of UN agenda 2030 SDGs” the VET European schools members of the ENNE Network presented and shared their “best practices” in order to show how it is possible to boost ideas and collect contributions for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nation.

  1. Sandro Pertini Institute of Afragola (Naples, Italy) presented its motto: “Sustain sustainable school”. The institute established a “free plastic week” and arranged interactive exhibitions where students can experiment the condition of being costumers and citizens passing through production activities. An opportunity to raise awareness on reducing waste through prevention, reduction and recycling;
  2. The Alfonso Casanova Institute of Napoli (Italy) – in order to encourage students in engagement in favor of disadvantaged people – planned the realization of packaging for removable dental prosthesis for prisoners. This allows the development of transversal skills;
  3. The National High school in Finance and Business of Sophia (Bulgaria) dedicates a school area to those students who have ideas in terms of contributing to the achievement of the UN goals arranging drawers to collect the students’ views. Other activities concern the realization of usable objects or art creations using only trash or garbage items.
  4. The Orfini Institute of Foligno (Perugia, Italy) promoted the involvement of VET-schools in the development of sustainable urban centers establishing VET education programs relevant to the development of sustainable urban centers. The activities also concern the enhancement of cooperation and entrepreneurship creative skills among students.

Sustainable Development Goals: Resouces Available

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Recognition and Validation of Competences in WBL

To celebrate the formal establishment of the 5 VET networks, ENNE’s project partners have decided to organise an online Conference, during the European Vocational Skills Week, to foster a first meeting between their VET communities, where they could interact and work towards their common goal – the Enhancement of VET quality and attractiveness

Arts & Skills was responsible for moderating the thematic session “Recognition and Validation of Competences in Work Based Learning”.

National or international WBL programs are targeted to bridge the gap between the learning environment and real work environment, and different WBL strategies provide career awareness, career exploration opportunities, career planning activities and help students attain competencies such as positive work attitudes and other employable skills.

The recognition and validation of competencies in WBL environments refer to the identification and appreciation of the skills and competencies that an individual acquires through a work-based learning experience.
Although, WBL experiences can have different forms ((apprenticeship, internship, service learning, school-based enterprise, or industry projects) they should be well planned, monitored and assessed properly to become relevant for 

The European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) is one of the most relevant EU frameworks developed to help the VET community implementing high-quality WBL programs:   

  • ECVET provides a framework for the assessment, validation and recognition of learning outcomes, alongside a series of common tools and instruments able to support quality in mobility. 
  • ECVET promotes the integration of mobility into existing learning pathways. 
  • ECVET contributes to the development of a common language for use by different VET stakeholders and promotes mutual trust within the wider VET community. 
  • ECVET supports the valorisation of key competences (such as foreign language skills or intercultural competence) alongside those that are more technically – or vocationally – oriented. 

The implementation of ECVET was referred during the best practices presented by six of our network members, from Portugal, Italy and Germany, who shared with the audience good practices implemented by their VET organizations and related to WBL experiences.

Ms. Sonia Barani, from the “Italienische Handelskammer für Deutschland”, Germany, presented the MeMeVET project (mechatronics and metallurgical VET for sectors’ industries) and its outcomes. The project, implemented in 5 countries (DE, IT, ES, BG, SK) aimed at tackling some of the main issues impeding free mobility of workers and VET learners of the sector in Europe. One of the main issues is related to the difficulty of having one’s competencies and know-how recognized in another EU country. Another one, concerns the gap between the training and learning offer of VET institutions and the real needs of the labour market.

Ms Joana Soares from EP Felgueiras, Portugal, shared with the participants their experience in VET-Business cooperation at local and regional level concerning Curriculum development; Matching supply and demand of technicians; Development of technological devices (e.g. Robots) for the local industry; Social Inclusion and Monitoring of trainees after the completion of the course.

Ms. Margherita Battaglini, from ITE SCARPELLINI – Foligno, Italy, offered an overview of their experience with the implementation of ECVET not only on Transnational, but also National WBL experiences.

Ms. Alessia Montanucci, from I.O. Salvatorelli Moneta Marsciano, Italy, presented a mobility experience developed in Malta in 2019, that involved 15 students from the 3rd and the 4th year of high school. The internships  were held at local businesses: museums, shops, state agencies, cruises for tourists, etc. which she had the opportunity to accompany for the whole training period.

From Portugal, Mr. Edgar Costa, from Vocational School Bento Jesus Caraça, shared how they adapted mandatory WBL experiences that should have been developed in a real working context, to a successful simulated business context due to the confinement imposed by COVID 19. 

Mr Ferenc Naacke from “Berufliches Schulzentrum für Wirtschaft in Dresden, Germany, presented the “Healthy Lifestyle” Project and the approach that allowed their organization to implement 70 internships abroad, in 8 different countries, for students from the Social Insurance Course, whose training focuses mainly on administrative work of social insurance clerks, but not on the background knowledge in advising insured people on the prevention of diseases.

This session showed us how diverse work-based learning strategies can be and how multiple approaches can be addressed by VET organizations to improve and enhance VET quality and attractiveness.

We hope we have brought some inspiration to our audience for further projects and cooperation among our VET Community. 

Recognition and Validation of Competences in Work-Based Learning: Resources available

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Digital transformation and distance learning

Digital transformation and distance learning have been a hot topic since the Covid-19 outbreak.
This was also clear during the inscriptions for this theme at VET4FUTURE.
We give you a brief overview of the good practices that were shared.

BLEFT is an EU project for the development of e-learning modules in forestry. In Saxony (Germany) the official LernSax was put into service during the lockdown. Students and teachers worked online and found each other on this well-equipped platform for lessons, meetings, etc.
In Portugal, the Escola profissional C.J. de Campanha should find a new way to publish student work in graphic media. For this they used a virtual exhibition. Italian Fondazione Lepido Rocco bundled a lot of good practices on the website from which we discovered a CLIL training and the Sherwood project.
Finally, we have introduced to google classroom thanks to the tourist vocational school Aleko Konstantinov from Bulgaria.

Digital transformation and distance learning: Resources available

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Social Inclusion in VET

The first out of 20 principals of the European Pillar of Social Rights is devoted to education, training and life-long learning: 

Everyone has the right to quality and inclusive education, training and life-long learning in order to maintain and acquire skills that enable them to participate fully in society and manage successfully transitions in the labour market.”


All around Europe, we can find numerous initiatives, projects and programmes supporting the inclusion of disadvantaged people in education and by this into work. They also show that the implementation of social inclusion in education and specifically in VET also depends on the structure of the educational system and relevant national policies in each country.
Following, we are going to introduce three good practices presented during the VET4FUTURE conference

  • Individualised Education Plan
    The Istituto Omnicomprensivo Giano dell’Umbria – Bastardo from Italy started working with Individualised Educational Plans (IEP) in 2019. It is a holistic approach to education enhancing the capabilities of the students, which do not only include academic, but also social competencies and life skills. The approach is carried throughout the whole cycle of education starting from primary school until secondary school including vocational education and training. Moreover, IEPs can be applied not only to disadvantaged but all students. Each student is assessed, individual goals are set and appropriate didactical measures and methods are chosen to achieve them. Based on the IEP Life Projects are developed for disadvantaged students encouraged by their achievements. In order for this approach to work, the social background and community around a student needs to be involved – the school, the family, relevant associations, social services as well as companies – with the goal to support each student in finding a suitable workplace
  • Inclusive Internships
    The keys to successful inclusion of people with disabilities at the workplace were presented by DomSpain Consulting from Spain. It is important to be aware of myths and preconceived ideas, involve the whole company, raise awareness among the staff and implement an effective communication strategy. Especially conscious and unconscious biases can be a challenge for inclusion. It needs to be taken into account that students taking part in an internship at a company have different special needs, which need to be addressed and solutions to be found. For persons with reduced mobility architectural barriers might need to be overcome. Different communication methods and technology can be used for persons with hearing or visual impairments. Companies should also think about the accessibility of their documents and their website. Persons with dyslexia or other learning disabilities will be grateful for easy-reading instructions. Therefore, a careful evaluation of the specific situation should take place in advance in order to meet the needs of the intern and guarantee a successful start of the internship.
  • SEN Students in Mobilities
    An empowering step further can be the participation of students with special educational needs (SEN) in Erasmus+ projects and mobilities, like in the case of the Istituto d’istruzione superiore Ciuffelli-Einaudi, Todi in Italy. Throughout the project “Linking Business, Enterprise & Entrepreneurial Skills Internationally”, the students involved in the project activities also included SEN students in order to foster peer communication and cooperation. The students were able to take part in mobilities in the partner countries of the project.
    The partnership focused on what the students can do and not what they cannot. Learning was facilitated through creative activities, which promote responsibility, teamwork, risk taking and problem solving. Furthermore, the activities were designed to correspond to the different learning styles of the students. Due to these activities and the possibility to take part in mobility among many other things the confidence of the SEN students increased and their communication skills improved

Social inclusion in VET: Resources available

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VET4FUTURE онлайн конференция

Бъдещето на ПОО в следващата програма Еразъм+ 2021-2027
По повод предстоящата Европейска седмица на професионалните умения 2020, една година от началото на дейностите по проект „ENNE – Европейски национални мрежи за подобряване на ПОО“, партньорите по проекта ще отпразнуват официалното създаване на 5 национални мрежи за ПОО в Италия, България, Германия, Португалия и Белгия с организирането на онлайн интерактивна конференция за бъдещето на ПОО в следващата програма Еразъм+ 2021-2027!

Събитието е планирано за понеделник, 9 ноември 2020 г., от 15.00 до 17.30 часа (брюкселско време) и е отворено за всеки, който се интересува и иска да научи повече за предстоящите дейности за обучение и мобилност, предлагани от консорциума ENNE, както и да се запознае и да работи в мрежа с експерти и специалисти в областта на ПОО от цяла Европа.


  • Стаята в ZOOM ще бъде отворена от 14.45 CEST (централно европейско лятно време)
  • 00/15.20: Добре дошли и откриваща реч.
    Г-н Лука Пироци, Експерт по политиките за ПОО в EAECA (Изпълнителна агенция за образование, аудиовизия и култура на Европейската комисия)
  • 20/15.40: Представяне на проект ENNE и международните обучителни дейности за подобряване на ПОО.
    Г-н Алтео Валентини Координатор на проекта, Международна академия за европейски грантове
  • 40/16.00: ENNE MOOК – Как да планирате и реализирате качествени проекти за мобилност в областта на ПОО.
    Г-жа Сабине Рьоринг-Махоу, Управител на Образователен институт Wisamar
  • 00/17.00: Тематични семинари.
    Участниците ще се присъединят към специални стаи, където членовете на националните мрежи ENNE ще представят добри практики в пет различни области, свързани с политиките и инициативите на ЕС:
    • Признаване/валидиране на компетентности в WBL (Учене на база работа – национални стажове / транснационална мобилност / и т.н.)
    • Социално включване в ПОО (хора с увреждания, мигранти, икономически уязвими групи и др.)
    • Дигитална трансформация / дистанционно обучение
    • Устойчивост и принос на ПОО за постигането на целите за устойчиво развитие на ООН до 2030 г.
    • Изграждане на капацитета на служителите в ПОО
  • 00/17.30: Акценти на конференцията и финална кръгла маса за представяне препоръките от тематичните семинари за приоритетите на ПОО, върху които да се съсредоточи през следващия програмен период.

Модератор Г-н Людмил Манев, Управител на Европейски център за качество ООД и  Председател на EAQOM – European Association of Quality Organizations in Mobility

Не пропускайте възможността да се срещнете с общността ENNE!

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Restorative Justice for All International Institute CIC

The RJ4All International Institute is a charitable NGO with a mission to advance community cohesion and human rights locally, nationally and internationally. We redistribute power in a more equal way by delivering social justice projects, educational, sport and art-based programmes as well as high-quality volunteering and mobility opportunities to the most marginalised groups of society. Our e-courses and VET training opportunities are just one of the many vehicles that we use to rebalance power.
The RJ4All International Institute is a Vocational, Educational and Training provider that follows the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET). This is a technical framework that has been introduced by the European Commission and which supports the transfer, recognition and accumulation of learning outcomes across Europe. ECVET provides a set of principles and tools that facilitate the process of learner recognition, with a view to achieving a qualification. Our e-courses are developed within the ECVET Framework. Through the use of
learning outcomes, ECVET allows for an improved design and enhanced quality assurance in the delivery of our e-courses and in-person, training programmes.

In addition, some of our courses have a Continuous Professional Development (CPD) status meaning that successful completion leads to a CPD Certification. CPD points/ units are awarded depending on the weight of each course.
For our young learners, courses that have been designed as part of our Erasmus+ funded projects, we offer YouthPass. Furthermore, RJ4All has the Quality Mark from the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) as a receiving and sending organisation. Therefore, young people who under-take our e-courses as part of our ESC programmes, can also receive ESC Certificate of Participation.
Besides e-courses, we also offer a wide range of training courses that we have accredited with CPD status for professionals and YouthPass for young people.
The courses can run from half (3 hours) to a whole day (6 hours) and include the following topics:
– Introduction to restorative justice (1 module)
– Restorative justice & victims’ rights: The Victims’ Directive (3 modules)
Human Rights and young people (3 modules)
– Restorative justice in higher education settings (3 modules)
Young Citizens: Rights & Responsibilities (2 modules)
– The Victims’ Directive 2012/29/EU: Empowering Professionals (3 modules)
Young people and the criminal justice system (2 modules)
Restorative justice & complex cases (hate crimes, DV, GBV etc) (3 modules)
Gender-based violence & working with victims & offenders (2 modules)
The user-led model of research, policy and practice (2 modules)
Conflict resolution (workplace, schools, private affairs) (2 modules)
Bullying: prevention and control (1 module)
Preventing violent radicalisation and restorative justice (3 modules)


RJ4All is also active on social media. We would be delighted to connect with ENNE and project partners across the following platforms. If you are interested in commissioning an e-course from the RJ4All International Institute please email

RJ4All Website Training
RJ4All E-courses

Bulgarian news Uncategorized @bg

A university-led good practice whereby university faculty reaches out to secondary education to impart knowledge in an attractive field of science

University lecturers visit the secondary schools and make presentations that aim to introduce students to systems based on microcontrollers, Programmable Logic Controllers and mobile robots – the main concepts, devices and their application, the logic of programming. During these presentations, theoretical and conceptual issues are made easier to understand by live demonstration with programmable devices and models. At the end of the activity, the students are given the opportunity to test the devices and models that are used during the demonstrations.
Demonstrations are an essential element of the activity since they capture students’ attention.
The activity achieves its impact in two ways:
Students are attracted to STEM through interesting topics and the opportunity to engage in hands-on exercises
Students have the chance to meet researchers and ask questions related to the discipline in which they are interested in or inquire about what it is like to be a scientist.


Good practice

Photos from a school visit – lecture with demonstration of equipment, and hands-on activities for students

The activity targets students from secondary vocational schools. However, some of the visits were attended by pupils from elementary schools, too. Indirectly, it also targets teachers at the same schools.
For the activity to be commenced in a particular school, the head of the relevant Department or the Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Electronics has to establish contact with the director of the vocational high school. The contact can be initiated by either side. There is no department or staff member responsible for this activity. On the side of Technical University – Gabrovo, the organization boils down to identification of the lecturer(s) that will visit the school. The lecturer is responsible for preparing for the lecture itself.
A list of lessons with brief annotations is sent to the vocational school beforehand. The details are negotiated with the receiving school so as to fit the interest of the students and teachers. From the side of the school, the negotiation involves the school director and the teachers in the relevant subject. Typically, it is teachers that are consulted on the topics and details of the presentation and the demonstrations.
The vocational school is responsible for providing a lecture hall and for inviting the students to participate in the activity. The leading role in organizing student participation is played by teachers in the relevant subject.
Higher education students’ involvement in the activity.
In some lectures, university students are also included in the team of lecturers. This greatly increases the effectiveness of the activity and the impact on the secondary school students because young researchers can establish a more effective connection with high school students and serve as role models.
This activity has been conducted for 10 years at various schools in Bulgaria. It faces no serious issues of sustainability since it does not require much financing or special equipment. It can always be continued at the request of a school or a new collaboration with a new school can be established if there is interest on the part of the school. Maintaining links to vocational high schools is a long-lasting tradition of Technical University – Gabrovo. Thus, the activity has always been considered compatible with the development strategy of the university.
Financial sustainability
The activity is funded by Technical University – Gabrovo. The participating lecturers are paid travel expenses, each lecture counts as 4 hours of work. The equipment used for the demonstrations is taken from the laboratories of the university.

Good practice
Every year, Technical University – Gabrovo organizes around 15 such educational outreach activities at different schools. In each activity, between 20 and 40 students are present. Unfortunately, due to the limited time available for the lectures and the demonstrations, the impact of the activity has not been formally assessed. The general feeling among teachers and lecturers involved is that students show interest in the topics and hence, it could be expected that the activity also sparks interest for a science career. All in all, this is a practical low-key method of maintaining continuous relationship between universities and schools and exposing students to scientific information and new technological advances. It allows students from high schools that are not endowed with sophisticated equipment to work with such equipment, even if for a short time period.
Factors for success
For the activity to be successful, the following factors have been important:
– The activity has been perceived as part of a long-term strategy of the University to connect with secondary schools in the region
– The success of the activity strongly depends on the relations between the university and the recipient school being characterised by long-term cooperation. This allows the university staff and the school teachers to design and deliver lectures with demonstrations on a variety of topics, often linking these lectures to the compulsory curriculum
– The activity’s relevance increases when the lecturers maintain continuous contact with the relevant teachers in order to determine the interest and the level of prior knowledge of the target students. This can make sure that the participating students benefit from the activity and that the activity can be used to upgrade knowledge received in the classroom

More such good practices can be found at the webpage of DISCOVER project.

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Role Models for VET: Stories from the shooting sessions

How to inspire people to participate in an Erasmus mobility? How to create something so engaging that people cannot say no to living and working/studying abroad?  

At this point, it is already known the main goals of the ENNE project and that it truly believes in the power of Erasmus as a fundamental aspect for the professional and personal development of individuals. To better demonstrate this, the ENNE project has planned the realization of Role Model videos.

In a broader concept, Role Models come from all walks of life and professional backgrounds and their experiences can serve as examples to young people struggling to find a place in society or tempted by easy shortcuts.

The main goal of the Role Model Videos within ENNE project is to inspire young people in their learning paths and encourage them in taking part in a mobility experience, but also to promote VET Teachers’ participation in Erasmus + mobilities and foster communication and cooperation between VET providers, as well as to promote VET quality and attractiveness also for companies, which are important stakeholders for WBL experiences.  

In order to do this, 15 video-interviews (3 per country) are being produced by project partners. These videos should be a positive reflection on the impact of transnational mobility projects on VET learners, staff and hosting companies

At this moment, Arts & Skills from Portugal already filmed all the interviews, and what an amazing experience it was! The first interview was with the student Cátia Silva. She was a student of the vocational course of Marketing Technician from the Francisco de Holanda Secondary School. In 2018, she had the opportunity to go to Reggio Calabria, Italy, for an internship of 3 months in a local company. Throughout the interview, it was possible to see and feel her enthusiasm. With emotion in her eyes, Cátia told us the stories from her experience, from the moment of her arrival in Italy, the conviviality with her colleagues, the welcoming environment from the company to all the memories she was able to build. It is certain that all of this will remain forever in her memory.

We proceed to the second interview: the hosting company Plantas da Fonte. It is a gardening company located in Guimarães and has been working with Arts & Skills for quite some time. From the interview with the tutor, it is clear that they could not be happier with the experience. For them, the most outstanding aspects are the knowledge and skills that the students acquire in school and their willingness to work and learn more. It is certainly a rewarding experience for the company and for all its employees, who still keep in touch with some of the learners that they welcomed throughout the years.  

For the last video, the interview with Guiomar Silva, the director of the School Group of Arrifana. When she was asked to do this interview, she immediately said yes! As you all will see in the video, she is so passionate and dedicated to her Erasmus+ projects. We were all fascinated with her stories and how she loves to see the impact of Erasmus in the life of her students and teachers. This is truly is an excellent example of how mobility activities influence a school and all the community around it. 

We will not tell more because we are saving it for the videos, but we can tell you that you will be inspired to write your Erasmus project, to receive an Erasmus student in your company, or to go abroad on an Erasmus adventure! 

See you soon!

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Европейската олимпиада по статистика: едно състезание, променящо светогледи

  Представяме ви отбор “CAYENNE_Z” от Националната финансовостопанска гимназия (НФСГ), гр. София! Те спечелиха първо място  на националния кръг на Европейската олимпиада по статистика за 2020 г. в категория А (ученици 10.-12. клас) сред 185 отбора от цялата страна. В екипа участват: Борислав Харизанов, Мартин Захариев и Милош Ристич, ученици от 10-ти клас, с ментор Елена Ингилизова – учител по икономика. Същият отбор е спечелил и второ място миналата година, тогава в категория Б (ученици 8.-9. клас). Е, явно не става въпрос за късмет, а за продължаващо развитие и надграждане на знания и умения. Такава е именно целта на тази предизвикателна и толкова различна олимпиада!

Обикновено на такива състезания младежите разполагат с няколко часа, за да демонстрират вече придобити знания, а статистическата надпревара продължава около 4 месеца, в които постоянно се натрупват нови компетентности. Олимпиадата традиционно започва през януари, като е необходима предварителна регистрация. Участието е отборно, в екип  от един до трима ученици и учител-ментор. 

 Мероприятието се организира от Евростат със съдействието на националните статистически служби на участващите държави. Идеята е да се повиши статистическата култура на учителите и учениците. Провежда се от три години в България, като броят на участниците нараства постоянно. През 2020 г. те са 10902 пъти повече от тези през 2018 г. В НФСГ също се наблюдава много по-засилен интерес тази година.

Олимпиадата се състои в два кръга – национален и европейски. Националният кръг е разделен на три етапа. В първия от тях в рамките на две седмици учениците решаваха три теста всеки с по 10 въпроса, в онлайн-платформа. Първият включваше задачи върху теорията по математика и статистика, вторият – по данни и изследвания на НСИ, а в третия въпросите са върху конкретна публикация на Евростат. Тестовете на всеки отбор бяха различни, а грешните отговори отнемат точки, така че никой не се опитваше да налучква. Резултатът от тестовете носи 25% от оценката в крайното класиране. Отборите на НФСГ се представиха много добре и всички преминаха на втория етап, където в рамките на 4 седмици трябваше да изготвят презентации до 8 слайда, представящи анализ върху база данни, специално предоставена от НСИ. Учениците трябваше да поставят цел на изследването, да подберат подходящите данни и показатели и да формулират изводи. Ключов критерий беше информацията да е представена убедително и достъпно, с подходящи средства за визуализация – графики, таблици, картодиаграми и други. Презентациите бяха оценени от жури и донесоха 75% от крайния резултат. „CAYENNE_Z” впечатлиха журито, тъй като тяхната презентация е единствената от 2018 г. досега, получила максимално възможните 100 точки.

Първите 5 отбора от всяка категория преминаха към заключителния етап, в който се изискваха по две презентации от екип. В едната учениците представиха себе си, отбора и мотивацията си за участие. Другата е идеен проект за заснемане на видеоклип по предварително определена от Евростат тема. Тази година тя е „Проблемите на младите хора”. Презентациите преминават през онлайн-гласуване, защита пред публика и оценяване от жури. На този етап сме в момента. Двата отбора-победители – по един от категория – ще представят България на европейския кръг, като ще заснемат видеоклип, подкрепен с официални статистически данни, с максимална продължителност 2 минути. В него учениците трябва да разгледат ситуацията в тяхната страна и да направят сравнения с останалите държави в ЕС. Всички се надяваме на успех за „CAYENNE_Z”, отборът на НФСГ!

Положените усилия от всички отбори са много, изисква се време и голямо желание, за да участваш в такова състезание. Но защо учениците са толкова мотивирани? Основната причина е, че за тях е истинско предизвикателство да анализират реални данни и да се  надпреварват по креативност и способности за интерпретация. Важно е тяхното мнение, но и умението да го представят и защитават с точност и яснота. Както самите ученици казват, научават и много „магии” в работата с Powerpoint, Excel и други софтуери. Придобиват полезни във всички сфери умения за работа с базите на НСИ и Евростат. А и наградният фонд за победителите е много примамлив!   

Състезанието подпомага и развитието на учителите. Най-вече защото се запознават с много допълнителна информация и съществуващите инструменти за нейното представяне, което ги подтиква към иновативни методи на преподаване. Знаехте ли, например, че има статистически онлайн игри? В тях учениците (а и цялото семейство) могат да спасят света или да развият града, който управляват, вземайки решения на база официални статистически данни.

И в заключение: как се променят светогледи чрез една олимпиада? Като начало, форматът ѝ помага на младежите да научат много за себе си – за силните и слабите си страни, както и за работното взаимодействие с околните – кое им носи успехи и кое ги проваля. Работата по дългосрочен проект, преминаващ през няколко етапа, ограничени със срокове и изискващи различни компетенции, определено допринася за бъдещите трудови навици. В състезанието напълно е реализиран олимпийският принцип: „важно е участието, а не класирането”. Всеки печели, защото успява да развие така необходимите в нашата епоха критично мислене и умения за работа с информация – търсене, анализ и представяне. Участвалите много по-добре разбират какво означава да имаш позиция и да я аргументираш чрез данни. Олимпиадата създава млади хора, които трудно стават жертви на „фалшиви новини”. Екипите виждат реалните данни, но разбират и начина, по който те могат да бъдат изкривени при представянето, както и несъвършенствата на самата методология. Младежите се превръщат в по-ориентирани граждани, които следят и наблюдават обществените явления и процеси. И така през очилата на статистиката, които за голяма част от хората са неудобни, тесни и изкривени, участващите в Европейската олимпиада учители и ученици придобиват нов, различен и по-ясен поглед към света!

За повече информация може да посетите сайта на олимпиадата:

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ENNE Project Meeting: KoM in Italy

ENNE Project started in 2019 and the first face-to-face meeting (KoM) was organized in Foligno, Italy by the project coordinator at EGInA Srl.
During the KoM in Foligno, all Partners – that are: EGInA for Italy, Belerasm for Belgium, WISAMAR for Germany, ECQ for Bulgary and ARTS&SKILLS for Portugal – discussed all the strategies, opportunities and next steps to be implemented in the future.

ENNE Project offers great opportunities for Students, Teachers and other Stakeholders to be involved in. The main mission is to create mobility and good connections in terms of VET (Vocal Education Training).
What have ENNE Partners conceived? They seized the need of Europe and put into practice their knowledge, based also on education and training experiences.

The speed at which the society moves requires continuous adjustments and new tools to cope with the demand of cooperation and improve VET quality and attractiveness.

How do we understand this changeProviding European citizens with the necessary skills to better meet the rapidly changing needs of labour markets. Following the guidelines of Copenhagen Declaration in 2002The Bruges Communiqué 2011-2020 and according to the 2015 Riga Conclusions on VET and to the medium Term of Deliverables for 2015-2020VET providers should:

  • Promote work-based learning in all its forms;
  • Develop quality assurance mechanisms in VET in line with the EQAVET recommendation. Transnational mobility for VET to acquire new skills is one of the fundamental ways through which individuals can strengthen their employability as well as their personal development (European Commission 2009).

The ENNE Project objectives derives from the cooperation among project partners who are currently implementing an Erasmus+ KA2 project in the field of VETINTOQUALITY – Association of Quality Intermediary Organizations Fostering Mobility in Europe – starts from the idea that the internationalization strategy for VET providers contributes to the flexibility and employability of the European labour force

In each country ENNE Project has already identified 5 VET providers (mostly VET schools EQF4) representing the initial core of the National Networks involved as associated partners and they have already committed themselves to establishing the network if the project will be selected for funding.