English News

ENNE Blended training course on Erasmus KA2 project proposals writing

The Blended course on Erasmus KA1 and KA2 project proposals writing is the second capacity building activity – after the MOOC on Quality mobility – offered to the members of the National Excellence VET Network and it is addressed to VET staff interested in applying for KA2 Erasmus projects funding to improve the educational experience of VET learners.

The goal of the course is to provide guidance for successful Erasmus project proposals submission in the field of VET and it will be based on an intensive online preparatory phase and actual proposal writing.

The course will be hands-on and practical: participants will have the opportunity to finish the course with a developed proposal, almost ready to be submitted to their respective funding Agencies. Participants will acquire theoretical knowledge, and they will carry out practical work, gaining valuable experience in project proposals preparation. TOPICS ADDRESSED by the participants:

Most of the received project ideas focus on the issue of sustainability and often make explicit the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their connection with their project idea. In addition, many projects focused on social inclusion and the importance of providing quality and accessible pathways through Vocational education and Training for all. In this sense, many projects are aimed at strengthening the spectrum and quality of VET offers, in particular by fostering multidisciplinary work and transnational networks.

List of topics that emerged during the course are focused on:

  • Social Inclusion
  • Agriculture and Innovation
  • Sustainability (Tourism, Food, Agriculture…)
  • Marketing
  • Digital Competences (Communication, Graphic and Cultural Heritage) and Digitalisation
  • Multidisciplinarity (both in Sustainability, VET and Work-based learning)
  • Quality in VET
  • SDG framework

The proposals received are 28 and they are from: Belgium (N° 5), Bulgaria (N°1), Germany (N°3), Italy (N°8) and Portugal (N°11).

Below there is the graph illustrating the percentages.

The overall duration of the course is 70 hours and it will be concluded with a face-to-face workshop in Foligno – it is scheduled for the last week of September 2021.