English News

To Foligno and back, the Bulgarian experience

As part of the Blended training course on Erasmus KA2 project proposals writing the Bulgarian
participants have provided short feedback on the Face-to-face adventure of Foligno 18-22
October 2021.

After some challenges due to the global pandemic, the three network members,
Eng. Irina Mishkova-Yotova, Eng. Kalin Ivanov and Mr Rusev successfully managed to take
active part in the residential training.

Here is what they are highlighting regarding the learning experience that they have:

“The most helpful part was the online meetings and going through each step of the KA210
application process because it is a relatively new format of submitting project proposals that I
believe will prove to be a good way to conduct VET activities without requiring many partner
organizations or large funding. The most practical part was the attendance and the mobility in
Italy, because we had the opportunity to meet our partners in person, discuss our ideas, get timely
advice from experts in the field of creating project proposals (from Egina), and write them up in

“Communicating with colleagues in English and sharing experiences. Working through the
project documentation – accurately and clearly articulating the aims, objectives, activities, target
groups and their contribution to the skills development of the participants, as well as the
usefulness of the project for the development, accreditation and establishment of the schools as
an institution with a future.”

“Everything was interesting for me, this is the first time I have encountered Erasmus projects,
the team was well prepared, from the training on how to use the platform to the different
presentations on the layout of the project proposal itself. The whole training was extremely useful
because meeting the partners from other countries, as well as touring the localities and schools,
gives us many practical ideas that we can use. In this way, we were able to exchange different
ideas and determine the effectiveness of teaching methods”.

The participants are also sharing some impressions and feelings about the journey:

“I most enjoyed my stay in majestic Rome. The cultural heritage that has been preserved and is
open to the public is extremely precious, incredibly beautiful, impressive, spectacular and
provides the opportunity to experience a part of the historical past.”

“I was impressed with our visit to the Agricultural School in Todi. The way they have organized
the training of their students- a complete closed system including the production and creation of
their own brand of products. The rich technical facilities, experimental fields and laboratory that
the school has been impressive.”

“The part of the service trip that I enjoyed the most was visiting vocational and specialized
schools and having the opportunity to learn about their activities, management, facilities and to
gain inspiration for my future work in Bulgaria. Sharing good practices with colleagues from Italy
was very valuable as they apply/suggest solutions to a number of situations that may arise in the
process of work in VET and in our country.”

English News

Blended training course on Erasmus KA2 project proposals writing: insights from the face-to-face workshop in Italy

In a sunny week of October, 26 participants from Italy, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany and Portugal gathered together to further learn about project proposals writing and to strengthen the projects they have been working on in groups during last summer.

The week of face-to-face work followed in fact 8 online meetings which started in May 2021 and covered the most important topics to know when writing an Erasmus+ KA2 project in VET, taking into account the differences between Small Scale partnerships (KA210) and Cooperation Partnerships (KA220). In addition, experts from the field were invited to participate in the online meetings to address issues such as quality, impact and dissemination. Good practices developed by VET organisations and others in line with the interests developed by the working groups were also presented.

During the months of distance working, participants worked on specific and real proposals, which were built on the basis of the participants’ own ideas and then materialised in 7 working groups.

Representatives from all seven groups met in Foligno to complete their training and finalise their project proposals. The daily programme was structured in order to have every day the first part of theoretical training in which technical and methodological aspects were covered in detail. Nevertheless, from the first day participants expressed the desire to dedicate as much time as possible to the work in groups in order to be able to submit the projects on the given deadline (the 3rd of November).

This is a first clue as to the degree of participation, dedication and willingness that the seven groups have shown in tackling the small and large problems that have arisen in the process of project writing. In fact, the 7 groups worked steadily on the proposals, searched for contacts and partners, deepened the themes of their respective projects within the framework of the Erasmus+ priorities.

The workshop, therefore, followed a “Learning by doing” approach in which the participants could test the knowledge and skills learned during the online part of the Blended Course.

The work was intense, sometimes going beyond the hours foreseen in the programme. As a first, great, result, all five Small Scale Partnerships were submitted for the deadline of 3rd of November, while the two more complex Cooperation Partnerships will be completed for the next deadline – as already planned.

Parallel to the work on the proposals, the participants had the opportunity to get to know the schools in the area and the excellence in VET, by visiting the schools and facilities, which in some cases were part of the partnerships of the proposals in progress.

Finally, the participants were also able to enjoy the natural and historical-artistic beauties of the Umbria Region, with visits to Foligno, Spello, Todi and Assisi.

English News

Training customs declarant

For the first time, the training (assistant) customs declarant was organized nationally by syntra (part of syntrum). In a collaboration with Deloitte and Logos, we achieved a lot of expertise flowing to the students.

Through a varied range of classroom and individual sessions and by using blended learning, this was crowned as a real success. Registrations are increasing accordingly. This training offers many job opportunities in an international setting.
