English News

Training on electric vehicles in Belgium

On 6 February 2023, a group of 7 teachers from different EU countries started the training in Mechelen (BE).

It takes 5 days and focuses on the basic electrical principles and working safely on an electrical vehicle. In the end the teachers will go home with a certificate that states they are qualified to switch off the power on an electric vehicle. 

English News

Catalan students develop marketing material for Diagnose Car

This school year 22 Catalan students from Institut de Logística de Barcelona work in little groups to create materials for the VET project Diagnose Car (Connectief). The assignment and follow-up goes through online meetings. In order to continue Diagnose Car the organisation is looking for financial partners. The Catalan students are creating a marketing strategy and materials to do so. The best design will be chosen in spring by Connectief, Diagnose Car and a Marketing Specialist. The chosen creation will be used in future initiatives.