German news

German vocational training in figures

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research has published the Report on VET 2020 for Germany, and the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training supplements the Data Report 2020.

A good half of the young people in a given year start vocational training in the dual system. Year after year, the matching of supply and demand on the training market presents a challenge. Some 53,000 training places remained unfilled, while nearly 74,000 young people did not find a training place.

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German news

Best vocational training in Germany

The Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe (LVB), which together with the Leipziger Aus- und Weiterbildungsbetriebe (LAB) train young people in various technical and commercial professions, are again among the best training companies in Germany in 2020 – for the fourth year in succession.

These are the findings of a study conducted by DEUTSCHLAND TEST which surveyed the 20,000 companies in the country with the most employees, summarised in the “Training Atlas for Germany”.

Italian Schools

Green Communication

Photo took before Covid-19 pandemic

Sustainability, a form of competitive advantage for companies in the Web 2.0 era

The fifth grade classes of the curricula SIA (Business Information Systems) and RIM (International Marketing Relations) of the ITE F.Scarpellini had the opportunity to meet LUCA GAROSI, journalist, trainer and Professor. He is currently editor-in-chief at Rainews and Professor of “Strategies of networked communication” in the degree course of Public and Digital Communication at Perugia University. He is author of the blog and the book “Green Branding”.

During the 8-hour activities with Mr. Garosi, learners focused on the impact of environmental and social sustainability on the corporate reputation and the brand, becoming a competitive leverage that leads to “distinctiveness”.
Students also investigated into the sustainable conversion process. For a company such a process takes time. “Being” or “becoming” sustainable involves significant costs greater than the opposite approach (unsustainability).

Students focused on the power of communication and the assumption that it turns into engagement, only when the relationship between the organization and its stakeholders is based on trust. A good communicator has to translate complex aspects into short, and effective information, simplifying communication.
Students also took part in a workshop where they had the opportunity to build an online communication plan through the use of social media, the company’s website and the data of the internet.

English News

The present is now!

The present is now, not tomorrow. The world is rapidly changing but, instead of chasing everything without even thinking, we should stop and live the present. Right now. We have the chance to enjoy the moment and think about what we can do to build something different.

All over Europe schools have been suspended. All of a sudden, enterprises and service companies have stopped working and only few strictly necessary activities had been authorized to continue.  

Therefore, we had to turn on our computers and we had to learn how to listen to our teachers following virtual lessons, how to do online quizzes and digital homework. We had the chance to discover the endless power of the world of the web, understanding that, even though our real lives had to stop, we were offered a window on the world to continue our projects. 

Each country is facing this pandemic situation with all the necessary means to contain difficulties.

ENNE Project has analyzed and tried to understand what Europe is living at the moment, providing all the information on how VET high schools have organised themselves in the partner countries: Italy, Portugal, Belgium, Germany and Bulgaria. 

We are united in sharing both the difficulties and the opportunities that the institutes in our network are experiencing. Thanks to our project, each school can share and tell what they are living and how their teachers and students are reacting to remote learning and online school. 

How is teaching changing? What can we benefit after this “revolution”?