English News

European Strategic Plan Implementation : “Web Marketing Accelerator” training course

Into the Erasmus+ KA3 Digital Tourism Project, the High School “Scarpellini” (Foligno-Italy) organises a training course on “Web Marketing Accelerator”.

The course will be lead by Valentina la Magna, teacher at the school and expert in Web Marketing. The course is organised in 10 classes totalling 30 hours – 3 hours per lesson. The first part is focused on theorical studies which will be followed by practical exercises to allow the students to achieve the necessary skills to work on the High School’s social editorial plan until the end of the school year.
The tutor and other teachers will monitor all students.

The main mission is to guide all students to develop a web marketing strategy to be used in the tourism sector. They’ll have a work experience in the related enterprises and they’ll acquire skills to be used in the labour market. The first four modules are focused on the web competencies: introduction, communication styles, advertising in 2020 and CRM (Customer Relationship Management – a process in which a business or another organisation administers its interactions with customers, usually using data analysis to study large amounts of information). The course will begin shortly and fourth- and fifth-grade students will get involved. The internationalization plan developed by school allows to include all different activities that will be carried out by the school. The skills the students will acquire within the course on Web Marketing will be immediately applied. When they will conclude their studies at school they will be involved in work experiences abroad – in July and August 2021.
The opportunity is within the European Project KA116 “W.I.I.P. Widenening Inclusion and Internationalization Plan” and allows the fifth-grade students to have a five-week trasnational work experience in specialised enterprises. Fourth-grade students will instead implement what they have learned next year. In the meanwhile, they will go on by updating all school communication channels. In September and October 2021 they will be included within the KA116 UPVET, Carta della mobilità (Mobility Card), and they will have a five-week work experience abroad in specialised enterprises as well.

English News

Presentation of the National Calls for VET Staff and Learners

The European Commission states that “education, training, youth work and sport are key to promote common European values, foster social integration, enhance intercultural understanding and a sense of belonging to a community and to prevent radical radicalisation”.

The Erasmus+ programme, besides of enhancing the academic and professional course of its participants, also improves the knowledge of new cultures, new languages, intercultural communication and interaction, and the sense of what it is like to be a European citizen.

The mobility actions for VET learners and staff strengths the employability of its participants, facilitates entrance in the labour market and it also foster their personal development.

The ENNE project has as an objective the enhancement of VET quality and attractiveness, with a specific focus on mobility opportunities. VET staff and learners will be encouraged to take part in VET mobility experiences. Each country will make available mobility grants for learners willing to take part in a WBL experience abroad and for job-shadowing activities for teachers. These mobility experiences aim at the:

  • Promotion of peer-learning methodologies among VET staff;
  • Promotion of the acquisition of soft skills for VET learners;
  • Promotion of WBL (Work Based Learning) and mobility for VET learners and staff.

With this is mind, the project partners will soon launch two national calls: one for VET Staff and one for VET Learners.

Internal call for VET teachers to apply for a Job-shadowing activity abroad; followed by the evaluation, selection and implementation of the Job-shadowing experience:

Most of teachers have little to no experience in careers outside of education and may have difficulty to understanding clearly how students will apply the knowledge and skills acquired during their academic courses. Because of this, activities such as Job-shadowing based on best practices can be of great value for these teachers. The implementation of Job-shadowing abroad aims at:

  • Give teachers the opportunity to observe and learn the best practices developed in other EU countries;
  • Inspire new ideas for teaching in VET;
  • Give hosting organisation the opportunity to interact with a teacher coming from another country and discuss about today’s educational challenges and opportunities;
  • Create/strengthen connections between teachers and the potential partners capable of providing them with expertise and resources for their classrooms and schools.

Internal call for WBL experiences abroad for VET Learners, followed by the evaluation, selection and implementation of the WBL experiences:

Transnational mobility aimed at acquiring new skills is one of the fundamental ways through which individuals, particularly young people, can strengthen their future employability and foster their personal development. VET enables these young learners to acquire the knowledge, skills and experience they need to succeed in the labour market, whether for a specific job or for a wider range of occupations.

Based on the experience and on the inspiration of role models videos, previously developed and released by the project partners, VET learners will apply for this call, presenting their own Work Based Learning project.

These two national calls will be directed to the associated partners of the 5 National Networks ENNE (Portugal, Italy, Germany, Bulgaria, and Belgium). Teachers and learners will have to submit their applications, which will be evaluated by the project partners, and the selected participants will have the opportunity to participate in the mobility activities, offered by the ENNE project.