English News

European Association of Quality Organizations in Mobility – tackling mobility challenges together

The European Association of Quality Organizations in Mobility (EAQOM) is a not-for-profit standards setting association open to organizations engaged in mobilities and stakeholders interested in developing and extending quality standards for mobilities.

Mission of EAQOM

EAQOM has been established to define and promote responsible organizational, logistical and evaluation practices in the planning, execution and follow-up of European mobilities in view of allowing mobile Europeans to benefit from international and intercultural exchanges, experiences, training and learning. The Association’s Code of Practices, to which all members commit to, addresses various quality and responsibility issues in mobilities, including accuracy and comprehensiveness of information, relevance of activities, effectiveness of organization, adequacy of services, staffing and professionalism, value for money and participants’ satisfaction.

Vision of EAQOM

To create a stable and reliable member network, to provide common guidance and to develop standards of mobility implementation in view of advancing high-quality and responsible practices. 

Strategic actions

In order to achieve the aforementioned objectives, to create opportunities for knowledge transfer and exchange of good practices and to raise the public awareness about its goals the management of EAQOM has planned the following activities:

  • Involvement in Erasmus+ strategic projects – EAQOM team consist of professionals from 5 European organizations from Bulgaria, Italy, Portugal, Germany and Belgium, specialized in the elaboration and implementation of EU funded projects. The Association is actively seeking international cooperation projects related to learning mobilities to take part in. In this way EAQOM will be able to develop its activities, expand its network and bring added value on European level. Also working on international projects would give EAQOM further visibility.
  • Organizing Networking Events – In order to present its activities and attract new members the EAQOM team plans to organize and host a series of networking events all around Europe – both virtual and physical (according to the COVID-19 situation in each country). The target group of these events will be intermediary organizations active in providing services and facilitating student and staff mobilities; sending organizations with experience in learners’ or staff mobilities in different fields (school education, VET, higher education, adult education, youth); receiving organizations providing placements or traineeships for student or staff in mobilities – e.g. enterprises, non-governmental organizations, training centers, research centers, etc.; other key stakeholders in mobility, interested in participating in the definition and revision of quality criteria for mobilities – e.g. educational institutions, relevant public bodies at regional and national level, non-governmental organizations active in the areas of non-formal education, skills development, youth, etc. Moreover EAQOM will also organize events as part of the European Vocational Skills Week – an annual event during which local, regional or national organisations showcase the very best of Vocational Education and Training. Organizing events under the European Vocational Skills Week will be a great opportunity for wide dissemination of EAQOM objectives, promoting the European experience in mobility projects, raising the attractiveness of mobility partnerships, reaching out wide audience, establishing contacts, cooperation and an exchange of experience with other organizations in the European Union, promoting cooperation among public and private institutions, consortia, and cooperative societies.
  • Establish partnerships – the EAQOM management team developed a strategy, which includes cooperation with organizations that pursue similar aims. Mutual activities, intellectual outputs elaboration and organization of associated events are also planned. By now EAQOM is in contact with the European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training (EVBB) – the European umbrella association of non-profit providers of Vocational Education and Training (VET). Its objective is the qualitative improvement of vocational education and training in Europe and beyond and to increase the efforts designed to promote VET as a first choice. EVBB has more than 65 members coming both from the private and the public sector and covers all fields related to initial, advanced and further education and training.

If you would like to learn more about the activities and upcoming events of EAQOM, please visit:

English News

VET4FUTURE Online Conference

The future of VET in the next Erasmus+ programme 2021-2027

In occasion of the upcoming European Vocational Skills Week 2020, after one year from the beginning of the project activities, the partners of “ENNE – European National Networks for the Enhancement of VET” will celebrate the formal establishment of 5 VET national networks in Italy, Bulgaria, Germany, Portugal and Belgium with the organization of an online interactive conference on the future of VET in the next Erasmus+ programme 2021-2027!

The event is scheduled for Monday 9 November 2020, from 15.00 to 17.30 (Brussels time), and it is open to anyone interested to learn more about the forthcoming training and mobility activities offered by the ENNE consortium, as well as to interact and networking with VET experts and practitioners from all over Europe.


  • The ZOOM room will be open starting from 14.45 CEST
  • 15.00-15.20: Welcome and opening speech.
    Mr. Luca PIROZZI, Policy Officer for VET at EAECA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission)
  • 15.20-15.40: Presentation of the ENNE project and the international training activities for the enhancement of VET.
    Mr. Altheo Valentini, Project coordinator at the European Grants International Academy
  • 15.40-16.00: ENNE MOOC – How to plan and implement quality mobility projects in the field of VET.
    Mrs. Sabine Roehrig-Mahhou, Managing Director at Wisamar Educational Institute
  • 16.00-17.00: Thematic workshops.
    Participants will join dedicated rooms where the members of the ENNE national networks will present good practices in five different fields relevant for EU policies and initiatives:
    • Recognition/validation of competences in WBL (Work Based Learning – national traineeships/transnational mobility/etc.)
    • Social Inclusion in VET (Disabilities, migrants, economic disadvantages, etc.)
    • Digital transformation / Distance Learning
    • Sustainability and contribution of VET to the achievement of UN Agenda 2030 SDGs
    • Capacity building of VET Staff
  • 17.00-17.30: Conference highlights and final round table to present the recommendations from the thematic rooms on the VET priorities to focus in the next programming period, facilitated by Mr. Ludmil Manev, Managing Director of the European Center for Quality Ltd. And President of EAQOM – European Association of Quality Intermediary Organizations in Mobility

Don’t miss the opportunity to meet the ENNE community!

English News

Use music for getting more skilled in management, business and entrepreneurship!

On 30.09.2020 European Center for Quality Ltd organizes a rock concert as the final multiplier event for the project THE SOUND OF BUSINESS in Bulgaria!

Learn from the big icons of rock music on how to be a successful entrepreneur!

In addition to that, The Sound of Business project partners are happy to share with you the Learning Documentary that has just been published and is presenting an innovative learning method that connects the history of rock music with Project Cycle Management and business.

 By watching the Learning Documentary, you will be able to gain a deeper understanding of the applied methodology, enabling the application of the different phases of the Project Cycle Management for developing your own business idea and for improving your entrepreneurial skills. You will also have the opportunity to learn from the best practices of the biggest rock icons. Already curious? Have a look at the video and enjoy!

SOB Poster


THE SOUND OF BUSINESS Project – “Leveraging the Entrepreneurial Competences of Adults to Extenuate the Business Knowledge Divide” is developed within the Erasmus+ Programme, KA2: Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education.

Project duration: 01.10.2018 – 30.09.2020


  • To provide trainers with practical tools leading to an innovate method of training related to basic and transversal skills, innovative managerial competencies and entrepreneurial spirit
  • To use and promote a non-formal approach based on art and music
  • To stimulate self-employment initiatives among adults, according to identified unemployed people’s needs and backgrounds
  • To promote/renovate managerial skills of the adults and foster the awareness of the importance of innovation and lifelong learning
  • To recognize and validate non-formal learning at European level


  • Trainers for adults
  • Adult learners (age 25- 60):
  • Unemployed or employed with the need of a requalification of competencies (mainly basic/transversal skills and entrepreneurship)
  • Entrepreneurs (incl. potential entrepreneurs) looking for innovative management skills and a creative approach to improve their performances.


  • Training Tools
  • Learning Platform
  • Learning Documentary
  • Protocol for certification of competencies

English News

COFEP – Belgian central for practice enterprises

 COFEP is part of a worldwide network of practice enterprises called OPEN worldwide. It prepares trainees for the real business world by setting them to work in virtual companies. In this way, COFEP stimulates their entrepreneurship by immersing them in a business reality with ERP business processes and (inter) national partnerships. E-commerce also has been part of this for a few years now. Students get the opportunity to follow a course that results in a webshop for their own virtual company.

English News

Restorative Justice for All International Institute CIC

The RJ4All International Institute is a charitable NGO with a mission to advance community cohesion and human rights locally, nationally and internationally. We redistribute power in a more equal way by delivering social justice projects, educational, sport and art-based programmes as well as high-quality volunteering and mobility opportunities to the most marginalised groups of society. Our e-courses and VET training opportunities are just one of the many vehicles that we use to rebalance power.
The RJ4All International Institute is a Vocational, Educational and Training provider that follows the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET). This is a technical framework that has been introduced by the European Commission and which supports the transfer, recognition and accumulation of learning outcomes across Europe. ECVET provides a set of principles and tools that facilitate the process of learner recognition, with a view to achieving a qualification. Our e-courses are developed within the ECVET Framework. Through the use of
learning outcomes, ECVET allows for an improved design and enhanced quality assurance in the delivery of our e-courses and in-person, training programmes.

In addition, some of our courses have a Continuous Professional Development (CPD) status meaning that successful completion leads to a CPD Certification. CPD points/ units are awarded depending on the weight of each course.
For our young learners, courses that have been designed as part of our Erasmus+ funded projects, we offer YouthPass. Furthermore, RJ4All has the Quality Mark from the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) as a receiving and sending organisation. Therefore, young people who under-take our e-courses as part of our ESC programmes, can also receive ESC Certificate of Participation.
Besides e-courses, we also offer a wide range of training courses that we have accredited with CPD status for professionals and YouthPass for young people.
The courses can run from half (3 hours) to a whole day (6 hours) and include the following topics:
– Introduction to restorative justice (1 module)
– Restorative justice & victims’ rights: The Victims’ Directive (3 modules)
Human Rights and young people (3 modules)
– Restorative justice in higher education settings (3 modules)
Young Citizens: Rights & Responsibilities (2 modules)
– The Victims’ Directive 2012/29/EU: Empowering Professionals (3 modules)
Young people and the criminal justice system (2 modules)
Restorative justice & complex cases (hate crimes, DV, GBV etc) (3 modules)
Gender-based violence & working with victims & offenders (2 modules)
The user-led model of research, policy and practice (2 modules)
Conflict resolution (workplace, schools, private affairs) (2 modules)
Bullying: prevention and control (1 module)
Preventing violent radicalisation and restorative justice (3 modules)


RJ4All is also active on social media. We would be delighted to connect with ENNE and project partners across the following platforms. If you are interested in commissioning an e-course from the RJ4All International Institute please email

RJ4All Website Training
RJ4All E-courses